Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sass: Um, yeah, a few things I can do without....

People who drive their cars to the very, very end of the damn merging lane just so they can get ahead, like, one car length. Does that not drive you nuts? And if you are one of these people, stop that shit! It's annoying and I can promise you that the time you save is only about 1/3 of a second. Worse than those drivers (whose licenses should be immediately revoked upon completion of sucking the merging lane completely dry) are those who will get out from their lane (perhaps behind you, three cars back--completely hypothetical) and use the merging lane as a way to get ahead...about four car lengths. Why? Why do this shit?!

I've been driving in the bay area far too long....I know.

Also, if you let your sunglases hang from your ears so that the lenses are under your chin and you do this for an extended period of time, why? It doesn't look cool. No one thinks, "Man, that guy/girl must be superfly, they use their sunglasses as a chin sling." No one thinks this. I promise. I wouldn't be against this shit if perhaps, it was done by loving, sweet individuals, but it seems that those who do this shit are generally asshats. It is like a key behavior of an asshat.

Lastly, those who don't realize that when they receive the, "Yeah, yeah, right, I see what you mean, okay, right, right," response to them when they are talking (profusely) that it is time to shut up. What the person really wants to say but can't, due to company or family hierarchy, is, "Shut the fuck up."

Okay...more cheerful post another day.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Sassy Mama: Smudgemama is sick, sick, sick

Okay, so I'm like, really, really sick. Thought it was just a womanly-bladder-infection type issue but apparently now that my kidneys are making themselves known, I think we can say that it is at least a UTI (urinary tract infection). Already went to the the meds...just not a clear diagnosis yet. And my head hurts and I'm dizzy. I mean really, really dizzy. Driving on over to my local HMO I was already panicking. That happens when the road in front of you reminds you of ocean waves, or at least that is what your head is interpreting them as. Anyway....I kept remembering my German teacher in high school saying, "Fritz ist kaputt." See, this was a question and answer session with our teacher in which we had to ask him questions in German. Someone must have queried if he had a dog (sorry, I'd write that in German but all I can come up with is "haben hund" and I'm not even sure that part is right.) Anyway, he had answered that no, they didn't have a dog, but they used to and his name was Fritz, but Fritz had died. So Fritz was kaputt. Alright. So this is going through my head on the drive over there and around the same time I notice that my "check engine" light is on and right at about that time my cell phone made it's last plaintive bleep-bleeps to let me know that it had, indeed, had it and it was giving it all up and shutting itself off. And I started to realize that these were all metaphors for my life.....check engine, low battery, Fritz is kaputt.

But before I posted about Fritz being kaputt and all, I wanted to make sure that "kaputt" was the word for "dead" in German. I wasn't very thorough and only consulted one online dictionary but it didn't list dead. It listed many other words that might as well mean dead, so I'll take Mr. Pittner's word for it and assume that dead is another of the many meanings "kaputt" lays claim too. However, I have to say one defintion in particular stands out as a clear description of my life at the most present time. Click the link above and I'll just about bet it all that you will guess the correct definition.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sass: Rambling Tumble Thoughts

Psychology Today magazine has an article that made me laugh out loud. It's in the most current issue, titled, "When You're Smarter Than Your Boss" by Judith Sills, Ph.D. Hmmm...not going to come right out and say that I am but when your superior asks you how to spell "multi" (as such happened today) you have to wonder....but not long.

Watched a George Carlin special late last night and I think he should run for president. I'm sure that's been said before. In fact, I'm willing to bet I've seen a bumper sticker or email forward along those lines sometime in the past.

Fellow co-worker, a truck driver, has come up with many nicknames for me: Little Mommy, Beautiful Butterfly and Miss Muffet. I totally don't get it. But the Butterfly one had a nice ring to it....I can handle that.

I'm clearly rambling....I fell off my blog habit. Hey Sean-baby, if you're reading this, my timecard totally misses your timecard in our row.
