Friday, November 24, 2006

Nuigurumi Kitty Craze

I found this one pattern at Craftster. It's in Japanese, so along with my novice-almost-practiced knowledge of sewing softies and my nonexistent education in Japanese, I did the best I could. Thank God the illustrations were very well done.

This is the second kitten I made from that pattern. I enlarged the pattern pieces 170% so I could make "Minnie" for Pebbles/Bella Boo. She wanted this kitty so badly and she decided to name it Minnie.

Minnie ~ Enlarged Nuigurumi pattern

But the first one I made (below) was quite the challenge. So small. Which is why I decided to enlarge the pattern on the next go around. Anyway, I've give these kitties necks, which the orignal pattern didn't call for. And they are a bit elongated, so my third kitty will be decidely more pudgey and round, with no neck.
Practice, practice.

Macy ~ Nuigurumi Pattern


Monday, November 20, 2006

Wabi Sabi---The Stuffed Kitty Version

This is the kitty I've made, Wabi-Sabi
Picture 033

Here's a side-long view:
Picture 038

He is pink, and he is still a "he." He is neither perfect, nor finished, nor permanent. I'm well aware that he isn't as good looking as the other kitties that have been made from his pattern. I'm trying to be okay with that.

The pattern can be found at Wee Wonderfuls. Just go to the Freebies link on the left-hand side and you'll see a pattern for "Pointy Kitty."


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Wabi Sabi

I've been, for lack of a better term, "called" to Wabi-Sabi lately. And as I've researched it more and more I find that myself saying, "YES! YES!" Although....because I am of extremes,(i.e. I love it or I hate it because I simply don't have room in my life for lukewarm feelings) I have to say that there is a time and a place to strive for perfection, as long as we know that it is unattainable. Yes, I'm sorry to break the news to those who still think perfect is possible.

See, that's the deal with being human...perfection is not possible. Just not. Not, I tell you. But it is possible to practice something into near perfection. I don't believe in practice makes perfect. I do believe in practice makes better and better. But when is "better" good enough? At what point do we put down the novel we are writing, the picture we are painting or the room we are decorating and say, "Close enough?" And how can we accept "close enough?"

I know that being drawn to Wabi-Sabi is an action of my own creative core who is sick of being stifled by my inner perfectionist. Reading about Wabi-Sabi makes me want to write (well, at least I'm blogging), paint, draw, stitch and well, CREATE something and stop giving such a monolithic shit about how it turns out.

As I study it more and more I can almost hear my more creative side saying, "See, so shut up inner critic, shut up inner critic, shut up inner Martha." <--Oops...did I type that out loud?

At what point though, can we be satisfied by our efforts? I guess it is when we say, "This is the best I can do. Later I will be able to do better. But for right now, right this second, this is my own brand of perfect." And then being okay with that. As hard as this sounds, it does feel freeing.
