Dear Doctor(s) at Kaiser,
So I was told I would be receiving:
1-A visit to Podiatry
2-Treatment at Physical Therapy
3-Ankle braces
Now...when I thought about ankle braces I thought of something black, spandex-y and trim, yet strong. I was somewhat okay about this:

But then you went and got me this, notice how it extends WAY past the ankle:

Can we talk about this? Especially the part in which you mentioned I had to wear *both* of these at the same time. Not easy.
I'm definitely okay with the Motrin and Vicodin you prescribed earlier. And really I just wanted some time off work. Instead you gave me these hideous shoes. I can't even bring myself to include the photo of the post-operative shoe you put me in to use with the splint because my "cute" shoes were unable to accommodate it(the white appartus). I left your facility last night in tears--I came for help and you put me in ugly shoes. That's cruelty.
It's enough to make me want to take more Vicodin. How else am I going to cope?