Monday, June 27, 2005

Sass: And what did you do over the weekend?!

I'm an active participant in Freecycle and this weekend, someone offered some very fashionable clothing and I happened to be the chosen one to receive them. All it took was a simple jaunt up to Richmond (approximately 30-something miles). Nooooo problem! 880 became I-80 I seriously had doubts that I was going the right direction, especially because I had saw an exit for the same street I needed on a different off-ramp on another highway. We were quickly making tracks to San Francisco and I was fretting...because well, if you know San Francisco at all, you know that it is a bloody nightmare to navigate through. we double-back and take the offramp to this other highway and take that exit of the same name. Man...I was SO sure we were going the right way and I was cursing out Mapquest.

But then we were there.....the ghetto. In Oakland. I have NO problems with Oakland. Both my grandmothers live there. I was born in Oakland! I loooovvvee Oakland. I even have no problems with the ghetto. As stated in previous posts I am intrigued by all races, persuasions, economic levels....all of it But....they had a problem with me. There I was....driving through, trying to navigate and I'm sure radiating "lost" to these folks and they weren't feeling exactly compassionate towards me. The way they dogged me and were in no hurry to move out of the middle of the street despite my car slowly, and POLITELY, trying to edge by, told me so.

I eventually got myself back onto I-80 east and in the proper direction but not before I called the lady I was getting the clothes from, frantically shouting, "I'm so freakin' lost. Oh shithouse, this sucks. Oops...excuse my language. Fuck! Where am I going? Oh sorry about that. I usually don't talk this way." Yeah....right.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Sassy Mama: Sick

I know I haven't posted in eons but that cold virus hit us like a ton of bricks. First it was Ornery Tiger Cub with a double ear infection. Then a couple days later I came down with it....around the same time Ornery Tiger Cub had an allergic reaction to the meds they gave him and I had to run back to pharmacy for another type of antibiotic. Then Pebbles got sick along with me. Took her to the doc but she was all clear. Then LoveMeLots came home sick as a dog with an astounding temperature in each ear and vomiting alot. Went back to the doc for the third time, still feeling like horseshit myself. He had the beginnings of pneumonia and an ear infection. Puked up his first dosage twice and they only gave me enough for the five days. And it was the weekend. So after maaannnyyy phone calls, I finally just went to the pharmacy and they looked it up, saw where it was noted for another refill because of the puking and then magically produced it. Done? Nope. Phil caught the bug. And then, AstroBoy came down with it over the last couple days and we took him to the doctor today because of ear pain. Fourth time at the doctor's office for kids. He came out all clear. So I've been busy. And sick. I promise to be more witty and fun-loving in the next post.
